Monday, October 5, 2020

Standing before Kings

 Do you see a man skilled in his work? He will stand before Kings Proverbs 22:29

The Lord raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth up the beggar from the dunghill to set them among princes and to make them inherit the throne of glory for the pillars of the earth are the Lord's and He hath set the world upon them. I Samuel 2:8

The Lord raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth the needy out of the dunghill;

That He may set him with princes, even with the princes of his people. Psalm 113:7,8

David's life story is amazing and truly a great motivation. For from being a shepherd boy, he rose to stand before kings.But even before becoming a king, there were two instances in his life where he stood before kings.

What was he doing as a shepherd that he stood before Kings?

1. He knew the scriptures.

Well, if you see Psalm 113:7,8 is a repetition of I samuel :8 .There are many Psalms telling the story of Genesis and Exodus. He had been a good meditator of God's word as a shepherd.

2. David plays harp

Bible shows he has used his free time, devotion time in playing harp and singing songs to the Lord.This was his hobby. How did this make him stand before kings?

It is interesting to read about it in I Samuel 16:14-23. Saul was tormented by an evil spirit sent by the Lord and so they searched for a person playing harp. When they knew David played harp Saul asked Jesse to send his son to the palace leaving the sheep (or shepherd work)

3. Being a shepherd

He did a sincere work as a shepherd. He loved his sheep more than his life. That is why when bear or lion came he was able to kill it. How will taking care of sheep make him stand before kings? And this story is all time favorite for all sunday school children.God is amazing!!

Well, the jist of this blog is no matter where you are (maybe in desert just seeing the sheep or butterflies) , what you are doing ( playing tabla or just tapping on the table and making music), GOD can make you stand before Kings.

Nothing matters for God. Only your faith matters

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