Wednesday, October 14, 2020

God loves a contrite spirit

Isaiah 57:15

For thus says the One who is high and lifted up, who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy: “I dwell in the high and holy place, and also with him who is of a contrite and lowly spirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly, and to revive the heart of the contrite.

There are many places in the bible mentioning that God loves a contrite heart.I have always wondered as a kid after reading this verse, why God wants us to see us unhappy. For its tamil translation is "Psalm 51:17 தேவனுக்கேற்கும் பலிகள் நொறுங்குண்ட ஆவிதான்; தேவனே, நொறுங்குண்டதும் நருங்குண்டதுமான இருதயத்தை நீர் புறக்கணியீர்."

Why God loves to see us sad. Now I feel that I understand its importance.The below verse tells its importance.

Proverbs 24:16
For a righteous man may fall seven times And rise again, But the wicked shall fall by calamity.

16 - நீதிமான் ஏழுதரம் விழுந்தாலும் திரும்பவும் எழுந்திருப்பான்; துன்மார்க்கரோ தீங்கிலே இடறுண்டு கிடப்பார்கள்

There are many perspectives based on the penitent thief getting repented at the last minute of his life and getting a ticket to heaven. Many envy to have that moment in lifetime.Since it does not matter, how much we have sinned till the last minute. That last minute we can repent and get to heaven. Our past life does not matter. We do not know if we will get such a moment. Even in the cross, there was one more thief who had a hard heart.

Everybody sins. Even the proverbs righteous man sins. Saul sinned. David sinned. But David was considered righteous because of his contrite spirit. Saul was given more options to repent.Even Samuel came in spirit after his death spoke to Saul of repentance. But he hardened his heart till the last moment in his life. He did not make use of the opportunities given to him but hardened his heart in every situation. So even in the last moment, just like the impenitent thief on the cross (who did not repent) Saul knew the time of his death , but still he hardened his heart towards God.

There are few takeaways in this blog :-

1.God loves a contrite heart since he wants us to be in heaven with him.

2.No matter we sin and fall, it is ok. You are still righteous if you repent and rise again.

3.It is important to repent in the situations that you get. Because stubbornness is like a muscle. If stubbornness is yielded one time, that muscle gets stiffer and you tend to become stubborn for the rest of your life. No matter if it is the last moment of life , that stubbornness muscle having gained strength will still remain stronger at the LAST BREADTH OF LIFE.(eg: Pharoah and the egyptians, Saul)

Prayer: Jesus we pray that you give us a broken and contrite heart and help us not to yield to our stubbornness.