Monday, September 21, 2020

Remember.....What to remember ?

Dear friends in Christ, 

 It is always important to remember who we were when Christ chose us.Of course it is true we are new creation in Christ. Old things are gone and all have become new. This remembrance of us, is not to make us like dogs eating their own vomit. But instead it is to humble ourselves in Christ and boast only about Him.Pride is the greatest enemy that completely destroys us. Satan knows that , since he has experienced God's wrath because of his pride. 

I would like to show examples from bible, of how one person forget who he was before God chose him and had to experience terrible death and of another person who remembered who she was before God chose and choose to humble and obey. 

 Well, the first person is Saul the first king of Israel. When Samuel chose him as King, although being the tallest there was not a pride in him. 1Samuel 9:21 says, Saul said to Samuel "I a Benjamite, of the smallest of the tribes of Israel? and my family the least of all the families of the tribe of Benjamin?" .But when he started cherishing people's voices , he completely forgot how he became a King. Or Who made him King. God was forgotten in his life. So God allowed all the spirits which made him more worse. In the battle with the Philistines, Saul was defeated. And so he took a sword and fell upon it [1 Samuel 31:4]

The other person is Esther the Queen. There are many people in the bible who humbled themselves till death after Christ chose them. But I would like to show what Queen Esther did. She was floating in favorism. There is no count of the virgins with whom she competed. King Ahaserus reigned from India unto Ethiopia over a hundred and seven and twenty provinces. From all these provinces beautiful young virgins were sought out for the King. Sure there must have been more competition. She got favorism from everyone around her. She understoon that it was the Lord's doing. That is why even after she became a queen, she choose not to trust in her beauty and charmness. But listening to Mordecai she remembered "God is everything".

May God always help us to remember that we are formed from the dust of the ground and remember God's doings in our life that it was "GOD".

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