Wednesday, November 22, 2023

God -The Alpha and The Omega

God is the Alpha and the Omega which means He is the beginning and the end. He is our Father, our Creator, our Maker and All in All. When we are given a freedom to choose in life, we need to choose God's will seeing through the eyes of God with the help of the Holy Spirit. 
             I would like to explain this with the example of Lot. Before that just pause and read the verses below.  

1John 2:15 Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them.
16. For everything in the world - the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life comes not from the Father but from the world. 
17. The world and its desires pass away but whoever does the will of God lives forever. 

                  First time when Lot was given the freedom to choose the land that he got to settle, Bible says in Genesis 13:10 - Lot looked around    and saw that the whole plain of the Jordan toward Zoar was well watered like the garden of the Lord like the land of Egypt.(This was before the Lord destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah).

              Had he seen with the spiritual eyes or asked God for His will who is the Alpha and the Omega (who alone knows the things to come)   he would not have chosen a land that in few years was going to become only Sulphur an uninhabitable land for generations- even till today.

           Lot was a righteous man in the sight of God except that he did not trust God wholeheartedly.  In the  midst of the sins in the Sodom and Gomorrah, he lived a righteous life. So God because of Abraham now plans to save him and takes him out of the catastrophe that he brought to Sodom and Gomorrah. 

          The Bible says when Lot hesitated and delayed going out of the city (Genesis 19:16) - the men (angels) grasped Lots hand and the hands of his wife and of his two daughters and led them safely out of the city for the LORD was merciful to them. How great is the mercy of God toward His people. 
              Now after coming to a safe zone , one of the men said "Flee for your lives! .Don't look back and don't stop anywhere in the plain. Flee to the mountains or you will be swept away!!!
               Lot should have abided to the God's plan. But then again he did the same sin manipulating / calculating the things going to happen had he had to obey the angel of the Lord. He goes on to give his explanation with the little knowledge that he has. 
                  18. But Lot said to them. "No my Lord's, please. 19. Your servant has found favor in your eyes and you have shown great kindness to me and sharing my life. But I can't flee to the mountains this disaster will overtake me and I will die.  Look here is a town near enough to run to and it is small. Let me flee to it, it is very small, isn't it? Then my life will be spared. 
                  Second time, he still kept seeing with his eyes. Now the men granted his request. But we all know what happened after that.  Had he accepted to go to the mountains his wife's mind might have occupied with the thought of how to climb the mountain fast. With the presence of the mother in the family , the girls would not have done such a shameful thing. God is the provider. God is the protector. The children would have learnt that unshaken truth just as how Isaac had learnt seeing his father.
But Alas......

Let's pray
Lord we thank you and worship you.  We believe You are the Alpha and the Omega and the controller of our lives. Lord we pray that every decision that we take in our life be according to your will. Lord we pray that you will help us to see the things around us with your eyes. Help us to always submit to your will and word. Give us the spirit of obedience. Take control of our lives. Let every step that we take be as per your will. In Jesus most precious name we pray. Amen.

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