Saturday, December 14, 2019

LOVE CLINIC (Based on Christian Faith)

Do you know what is the height of spiritual maturity. Is is not speaking in tongues. It is not prophesying. It is not healing the sick. It is not receiving the power to vanish or to bring to life the dead. It is LOVE.

1.Forgiving our enemies - One o the greatest aspect of LOVE.

Luke 174
             "then said Jesus, Father , forgive them , for they know not what they do."
Jesus spoke the above before dying on the cross. The death on the cross is the most terrile death. He wouldnt have endured pain on the hands and legs alone but on the whole ody. And that pain would have been more because of the gravitational force.And in such pain he says, "Father forgive them ".

Acts 759,60
            And they stoned Stephen, calling upon God and saying , Lord Jesus, receive my Spirit. And He kneeled down and cried with a loud oice , Lord, lay not this sin to their charge. And when He had said this, He fell asleep.

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